Kid’s brilliant experiment exposes his parents’ tooth fairy lie


Kids eventually outgrow childhood tales of Easter bunnies and Santa Claus. Sometimes, parents have to tell them. Sometimes, school friends spoil the mystery. And sometimes, the kids use logical reasoning to figure it out for themselves. 

Fahd Ahmad wrote about how his son figured out the tooth fairy isn’t real: an experiment. In his tweet, he detailed how his 9-year-old son came to that conclusion. 

Just learned our 9y/o did an experiment on us. Lost tooth, told no one for 3d, kept tooth under his pillow. No $. Then he tells us he lost the tooth, next night there is money under his pillow. Then confronted us with his scientific evidence that the tooth fairy isn’t real.

— Rogue Dad, M.D. (@RogueDadMD) April 23, 2018 Read more…

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