Motorola mocks Samsung’s ad mocking Apple


Remember that ad that Samsung posted earlier this month, mocking the iPhone (and Apple devotees)?

Motorola has posted its own parody of it, except it targets Samsung.

In Samsung’s ad, an iPhone fan is seen “growing up” and moving onto a Samsung, after realising the latest iPhone models are usually behind the curve on features.

Motorola’s follow-up picks up where that ad leaves off, showing a guy in a similar apartment, watching a video on his Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Definitely a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Definitely a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Image: motorola

His girlfriend looks at the Note 8 with disdain, before simply taking out her Moto phone with a snap-on projector attachment, and beaming the same video onto the wall, while he looks on in amazement. Read more…

More about Apple, Iphone, Samsung, Smartphones, and Motorola