Movie critic makes truly awesome discovery while cleaning out his dad’s loft


There’s something fascinating about discovering artefacts from a parent’s childhood.

Perhaps it’s the window into the past if offers, or maybe it’s the simple insight into what interested and occupied them when they were growing up.

Recently, movie critic Bilge Ebiri made just such a discovery while clearing out his dad’s attic. He took to Twitter on Sunday to share his findings…

So, here’s a fun little thread that I hope won’t bore you guys to tears, but it’s quite special to me.

— Bilge Ebiri (@BilgeEbiri) August 4, 2018

When he was around 9 or 10 years old (in the mid-1950s) in Istanbul, my dad started keeping detailed, typed notes of every film he saw. The notes reached back all the way to the first film he saw, THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (when he was 4), and he kept the notes going for

— Bilge Ebiri (@BilgeEbiri) August 4, 2018 Read more…

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