Paris Hilton claims that she and Britney Spears invented the selfie, but no one really believes her


Paris Hilton has blessed our timelines with an old photo of herself with former bestie Britney Spears, and it comes with an odd claim.

This isn’t just any regular photo. Hilton claims it’s the invention of the selfie, which according to her happened on Nov. 19, 2006.

11 years ago today, Me & Britney invented the selfie!

— Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton) November 19, 2017

Hmmmmmmmmm. Doesn’t seem to add up. 

Many people have responded with what they believe was the real invention of the selfie. They shared other photo proof that dates as far back as the late 1880s with Vincent Van Gogh’s iconic self-portrait, to Frank Sinatra and the Beatles, to Madonna, and more. Read more…

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