Angry soccer player celebrates goal by giving teammate the finger


Soccer games can sometimes get pretty heated, and fights on the pitch aren’t exactly an uncommon occurrence.

They don’t usually take place between two members of the same team, though.

On Sunday, Flamengo took on Corinthians in Brazil’s Série A football league.

At some point in the match, Vizeu and Rhodolfo — two Flamengo players — almost got into a fully-fledged fight.

Antes do 3º gol, Vizeu e Rhodolfo se estranharam. Logo depois, Vizeu fez gol, mandou dedo pro Rhodolfo, que ameaçou bater nele no vestiário. Tenso… 👀

— Goleada Info (@goleada_info) November 19, 2017 Read more…

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