Pete Souza reveals the cover for his book ‘Shade,’ and, well, you just have to see it


Break out your sunglasses, Pete Souza fans. The latest book cover has arrived and it’s a lot

On Wednesday, the former White House photographer, who is known for using his extensive Obama photo archive to clap back at Donald Trump’s every awful move, revealed the cover for his upcoming book, Shade: A Tale of Two Presidents.

As an ode to ~shade~ the cover shows our former president wearing some shades of his own. But not a pair of boring old sunglasses, or the beloved Obama-era Ray Bans — no, he’s wearing patriotic shutter shades. You know… the glasses Kanye West made famous during the good old Graduation days, when he wore them in the music video for “Stronger.” Yeah.  Read more…

More about Culture, Barack Obama, Shade, Pete Souza, and Culture