Please use this rubber-chicken rendition of ‘Wedding March’ in your upcoming nuptials


When composer Felix Mendelssohn wrote the “Wedding March” back in the mid-1800s, it’s doubtful he envisioned how popular it would become. And it’s even more doubtful he could have envisioned a world in which the song would be recreated with the squeaks of a toy rubber chicken.

Alas, this is the world we live in now Mendelssohn. Be happy you’re not alive to see this.

Despite the toy’s high-pitched squeaks and chicken form, TwoSetViolin’s Brett Yang and Eddy Chen manage to pull off a pretty convincing rendition of the song.

For those with upcoming nuptials, use this version of the “Wedding March” to give your guests something to gossip about during the cocktail hour. Read more…

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