Police arrest 5 people after finding 4,000 kilos of oranges in their cars


“Step out of the car sir. Are you aware you were driving well over the seed limit? Also your car is full of oranges.”

Police in Seville, Spain, apprehended five suspects on Friday for allegedly stealing 4,000 kilos of oranges.

Police stopped the vehicles when they noticed three cars driving very close together, according to local media.

#PolicíaSevilla denuncia a cinco personas por el presunto robo de 4.000 kilos de naranjas en una nave de #Carmona #Sevilla
+ Info https://t.co/TNHQAQswAV pic.twitter.com/429OAVOHBc

— Emergencias Sevilla (@EmergenciasSev) January 26, 2018 Read more…

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