Credit cards with the coolest perks: Wine tastings, museum admission, free hotels


Your first credit card probably lured you in with a free beach towel and a promise of 1% cash back. Is that still the card you’re carrying in your pocket? If so, you’re missing out on one of the best parts of the modern economy: credit card perks.

Credit card perks and rewards can be worth literally thousands of dollars every year, and you don’t have to be a big spender to enjoy these big rewards. In some cases, simply being a cardholder is enough to give you valuable perks and discounts. 

Whether you’re looking to fund your retirement, pay off your debt, travel in style, or take advantage of freebies and discounts, we’ve got the credit card with the coolest perks and rewards for you. Read more…

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View More Credit cards with the coolest perks: Wine tastings, museum admission, free hotels

Lame killjoys want California’s ‘Flintstones’ house declared a public nuisance


Nothing gold can stay. 

A bunch of humorless and fun-hating jerks are trying to ruin the famous Hillsborough, Calif., Flintstones-style house by getting it declared a public nuisance. So reports the East Bay Times, which notes that it’s the latest additions to the home that have Hillsborough planning and building officials peeved.

And what might those additions be? Why, freaking dinosaurs, of course. 

More about Homes, Flintstones, Culture, and Other

View More Lame killjoys want California’s ‘Flintstones’ house declared a public nuisance

People are throwing their Vans in the air to test out a pretty cool theory


Just like a cat will always land on its feet, a pair of Vans sneakers will always land on their soles when thrown into the air. 

That was the claim made by Twitter user  @Ibelievthehype when they unwittingly created the latest viral challenge. 

@Ibelievthehype shared a video of themselves throwing a pair of checkered Vans across a room, landing perfectly laces-up after bouncing around on their rubber soles. 

“Did you know it doesn’t matter how you throw your vans they will land facing up,” @Ibeleivthehype wrote. And that’s how the #VansChallenge was born.  Read more…

More about Challenge, Vans, Viral Content, Culture, and Other

View More People are throwing their Vans in the air to test out a pretty cool theory

This backflipping mini ‘cheetah’ bot sure is a goddamn show off


Look, we get it. Robots are here and they’re totally awesome and everything. But do they have to be so goddamn cocky about it? 

MIT’s new backflipping “mini cheetah robot” is the latest addition to a long line of electronic showoffs reminding us that we’ll never be as agile as something cooked up in a lab. 

“At only 20 pounds the limber quadruped can bend and swing its legs wide, enabling it to walk either right side up or upside down,” writes MIT — definitely not rubbing it in that we can’t walk upside down — in a description of the Feb. 28 video.  Read more…

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View More This backflipping mini ‘cheetah’ bot sure is a goddamn show off