Porn company offers to turn customers into adult film stars using deepfakes


When deepfakes burst onto the scene last year, it didn’t take long for the new image-manipulation technology to go from harmless online fun to troubling tool for online harassment. However, one company is looking to shift the conversation back, strangely enough, with porn.

One of the first uses of deepfakes was the swapping the faces of porn actors and actresses with those of celebrities, a big part of what led to deepfake bans across the web. However, the adult film company Naughty America is looking to flip the telescope on that kind of scenario and make it 100 percent consensual. 

Naughty America’s new service lets customers insert images of themselves into scenes, transport porn stars to a whole new setting by changing the background, and, in one example, blend together the facial features of two different actors. The company uploaded a number of samples here, which are obviously not safe for work. Read more…

More about Artificial Intelligence, Pornography, Face Swapping, Deepfakes, and Tech