Porn searches for ‘grope’ have skyrocketed in Trump’s D.C.


The State of the Union is one thing, the state of porn in D.C. is quite another.

As Donald Trump prepares to give his first State of the Union address on Tuesday night, porn site xHamster reports there’s been quite a change in the way people are searching for porn in Washington since the President took office.

According to data released by the site (link NSFW, duh), searches for porn using the word “grope” are up by 334% during the Trump administration versus when Obama was in office. 

Image: xHamster

It’s an eye-opener, for sure (as is the sudden decrease in “leather” searches but that’s a story for another time). And there’s some basis in why that term has rocketed to the top of D.C.’s porn charts. Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Porn, Xhamster, Culture, and Sex Relationships