Sandra Bullock plays a gloriously NSFW-sounding game


“Bullock or Bollocks” sounds pretty dodgy, but it isn’t anywhere near as NSFW as it may first appear.

Essentially it involves Stephen Colbert reading out a list of “facts” about Sandra Bullock his team found on the internet (skip to 5:00 in the clip above). She then has to confirm whether or not they are in fact true (i.e. whether they’re “Bullock” or “bollocks”).

So we now know Bullock is indeed allergic to horses, and her grandfather was (apparently) a rocket scientist.

She also seems like a super fun person to hang out with. Read more…

More about The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Sandra Bullock, Culture, and Celebrities

Sandra Bullock plays a gloriously NSFW-sounding game


“Bullock or Bollocks” sounds pretty dodgy, but it isn’t anywhere near as NSFW as it may first appear.

Essentially it involves Stephen Colbert reading out a list of “facts” about Sandra Bullock his team found on the internet (skip to 5:00 in the clip above). She then has to confirm whether or not they are in fact true (i.e. whether they’re “Bullock” or “bollocks”).

So we now know Bullock is indeed allergic to horses, and her grandfather was (apparently) a rocket scientist.

She also seems like a super fun person to hang out with. Read more…

More about The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Sandra Bullock, Culture, and Celebrities