Scott Pruitt just tried to explain those raises and it went oh so terribly wrong


It’s been a helluva few days for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt.

After controversy on top of controversy, Pruitt was found to have used a little-known provision in the Safe Drinking Water Act to give sizable raises to political aides on Tuesday. 

The provision permits the EPA administrator to hire up to 30 people without White House or congressional approval, but Pruitt instead used it to hand out raises of $28,130 and $56,765 to his aides, ballooning one of his staffers salaries to more than $160,000. All of this has put Pruitt in hot water with his political counterparts in Washington, with some calling for his resignation over ethical issues. Read more…

More about Politics, Donald Trump, Epa, Scott Pruitt, and Science