So your parents want to get high. Here are 8 YouTube videos that can help.


So your parents want to get stoned. First of all, and let’s all say it together, hell yeah. 

However, and this is the tricky part, it’s been a while since they’ve smoked marijuana — if they ever smoked at all — and the weed landscape has changed radically over the last few decades. Thankfully, you, their loving child, are 100 percent here for them. It’s time to answer the call and help your parents get appropriately ripped.  

But, where to start? You don’t want to take it too fast and end up scaring them off. And there are some real, albeit manageable, concerns. Sure, recreational pot is legal in 10 states and the District of Columbia, but just because smoking a joint or eating an edible in one of those locales won’t land someone in the slammer doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its own set of pitfalls. You know, the Maureen Dowd effect. Read more…

More about Marijuana, Weed, High Tech High, Watercooler, and Other