Tech CEOs speak out against separating families at the border


Executives at Apple, Microsoft, YouTube, Uber, and more tech companies are joining other Americans with a conscience in speaking out against the Trump administration’s practice of separating children from their families at the border. 

“It’s heartbreaking to see the images and hear the sounds of the kids,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told the Irish Times. “Kids are the most vulnerable people in any society. I think that what’s happening is inhumane, it needs to stop.”

Over a six-week period ending in May, the United States government separated over 2,000 children from their families as they attempted to cross the border and placed the children and parents in separate facilities. Increased media coverage of the practice, featuring new images of immigrants being kept in cages and ProPublica’s gobsmacking audio of children wailing, has led to national outrage in recent days. The public has responded to the revelations with an outpouring of donations to immigrant advocacy organizations and calls for change. Read more…

More about Tech, Apple, Youtube, Microsoft, and Uber