The creators of the ‘Pet Sematary’ remake had a great reason for that huge plot change


As long as visual media is a thing, people are going to adapt Stephen King books. It’s just a fact of life by now. But there’s no rule that says adaptations have to adhere perfectly to their source material, something the upcoming adaptation of King’s book Pet Sematary seems to understand. 

Careful, spoilers are below for the original plot of Pet Sematary as well as for the upcoming movie, as shown in its trailer.

Pet Sematary tells the story of a doctor who moves his family to a small Maine town and discovers that a particular plot of land in a nearby forest has the power to resurrect whatever is buried there. After seeing the power work on a cat, he decides to resurrect a human family member who recently died.  Read more…

More about Pet Sematary, Pet Sematary Remake, Pet Sematary Stephen King, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows