‘The Magicians’ confirmed the show’s best ship and the show is better for it


Spoilers ahead for The Magicians, up through Season 4’s “Escape From the Happy Place.”

Syfy’s The Magicians has always been far from the straightest show in television. Its queerness is ever-present, sewn into the fabric of a universe where sex is magic and the relationships between its main characters freely disregard the borders of platonic and romantic love. 

Still, even with the backdrop of polyamorous throuples and gay royals, the primary romance on the show has been that of Quentin Coldwater and Alice Quinn — a heterosexual pairing that has waxed and waned, but until recently remained at the center of many of the show’s plots. Read more…

More about The Magicians, Quentin And Eliot, Queliot, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows