This hidden gem of a game will make you want to hug your grandpa


The elderly rarely feature as the protagonist of a video game. I mean, it’s hard to imagine a kindly old man blasting aliens or chainsawing zombies.

But the peaceful, gorgeous, easy-to-play iOS title ($4.99, also available on Google Play and Steam) Old Man’s Journey will make you rethink the kind of stories that games can tell. And it will also definitely fill you with the burning need to call the old man in your life, whether father or grandfather, right away to tell him how much you love him. 

Described as a “soul-searching puzzle adventure,” you embark on a wordless journey across memories, dream-like landscapes, and quiet moments of reflection. With an art style inspired by postcards from real places in France, Italy, Spain and Greece, you must toy around with the hills and buildings in the handcrafted 2D terrain to clear a path forward for the titular Old Man. Read more…

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