‘Tis the season for everyone to get mad about queer nativity scenes


Every Christmas, I look forward to one thing and one thing only: nativity drama.

There’s nothing more petty and more pure. Whether it’s pro-immigration pastors locking the baby Jesus in a cage to protest our border policies or a traditional cis white heteronormative nativity, everyone across the political spectrum has the opportunity to be offended this season.

I’m particularly thankful for America’s rich history of queer nativity scenes, which manage to incense the worst people on the internet every few years or so. What a blessing.

Who could be this angry about a pastoral scene? The internet, that’s who! Of course, not all queer nativity scenes incite fury, but when they do, it’s rul’ gross. Here are some of the queerest nativity depictions — those that made the news, and those that just made me happy on Twitter. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Lgbtq, Nativity Scene, Culture, and Web Culture