Why we binge-watch stuff we hate


In Binged, Mashable breaks down why we binge-watch, how we binge-watch, and what it does to us. Because binge-watching is the new normal.

Two episodes into Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, I knew I hated it. Then I watched two more episodes —in the same sitting. Somehow, I finished all eight episodes of the Netflix show’s first season in a matter of days. 

Why? I was under the spell of the hate-binge. 

Being glued to the TV as I lose myself in a show I like makes sense; I’m enjoying myself. But this nonstop watching of something I dislike … does it make me a masochist? 

Nope, it just makes me human, according to psychology and communications experts. Read more…

More about Binge Watching, Binged, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows