2017 was the year middle-aged women fought back


When 61-year-old former federal government worker Annie Williams retired in 2013, taking on a proto-fascist president wasn’t exactly part of her retirement fantasy. Knitting hats was.

“My plan was to take classes at my local community college, learn how to knit and make hats and scarves for my nieces and nephews,” Williams says.

Nov. 9, 2016 changed all of that. Williams, who was working as an election judge the night Hillary Clinton lost, was “devastated” by Donald Trump’s victory. She remembers meeting a voter who had carried an “I voted” sticker in her wallet from the time she voted for Barack Obama, and the feeling that America was about to make history, again. Read more…

More about Watercooler, Middle Aged Woman, End Of Year 2017, Culture, and Politics