Blaming dating apps for the rise of STDs is just the latest form of sex panic


“Are dating apps to blame for the rise in STDs?”

It’s a line that seems tailor-made for morning news shows, designed to be read in that formal, faux-inquisitive tone newscasters use before cutting to commercial break.

It’s true that STD rates have risen in the U.S. over the last 10 years, with an especially steep rise in the last four years. Alongside straight coverage of this rise, reports drawing the line between STDs and dating apps have also proliferated on local news, digital outlets, and cable networks around the country. 

And like all sound bites, the way these pieces are framed doesn’t reflect the whole story — they just capitalize on the easiest part of it. Read more…

More about Science, Tinder, Dating Apps, Science And Technology, and Grindr

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Best dating sites for seniors: Dating over 60 doesn’t have to suck


Senior dating: Hard, but not as much as you think. 

Because let’s face it: Dating at any age is kind of a pain in the ass — and being over 60 in the dating world could actually have its perks. There’s a reason why post-retirement age could be the happiest time of your life. Golden years, hello?

Yes, there may be fewer potential partners in the dating pool, but if you think about it, that just makes everything less overwhelming. And now that online dating is hot and heavy for the 60+ crowd, it’s easier than ever to track down that special someone.

More about Dating Apps, Marriage, Seniors, Mashable Shopping, and Shopping List

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Badoo adds Live Video chat to its dating apps

European dating giant Badoo has added a live video chat feature to its apps, giving users the chance to talk face-to-face with matches from the comfort of their own home — and even before agreeing to go out on a first date. It’s claiming it’s the first dating app service to add a live video […]

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Facebook’s dating service hasn’t even launched yet, and we already know it’s for old people

If you’re ready to find your true love and/or are approaching retirement age, then have we got some news for you: Mark Zuckerberg has your back.
At Facebook’s annual developer conference, F8, the CEO announced plans to launch a dating service that wi…

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Facebook announces new dating service ‘for serious relationships, not hookups’

One is the loneliest number, which is probably why Facebook is taking steps to connect the people on its network who aren’t in a relationship.
At it’s annual F8 developer conference Tuesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company wil…

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Over 25? Maybe don’t admit you smoke weed in your dating profile


We love a data-backed online dating tip – especially one tied to the holiday of choice for stoners everywhere. Unfortunately, this one isn’t too promising for smokers who make their weed interest public.

According to some data from dating app Hinge, revealing an interest in smoking weed on one’s dating profile can actually work in your favor – but only if you’re under 25.

Per the team’s number crunchers, users under 25 who say they smoke weed see, on average, a 10 percent increase in likes.

But for those 25 and older, admitting you smoke weed on your profile results in a 25 percent decrease in likes. That number jumps to a 35 percent decrease for users over 40.  Read more…

More about Dating Apps, Weed, Sex And Relationships, 420, and Culture

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Mark Zuckerberg to Tinder users: GTFO


Now that he’s mastered screwing with democracy, Mark Zuckerberg is coming for your love life. 

Or so it would seem to the hordes of Tinder users who took to Twitter today to complain that they were locked out of their accounts — squarely placing the blame on Facebook in the process. 

To understand how Facebook might have broken Tinder, it’s important to realize that one of the main ways to access the dating app is logging in with a Facebook account (you can also just use your phone number). So, when changes are made to how third-party apps interact with Facebook — as Zuckerberg recently announced was about to happen — it’s possible that something might go wrong with that integration.  Read more…

More about Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Tinder, Dating Apps, and Tech

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