Tinder’s new looping video profiles will make you even thirstier


Quickly swiping through six photos of your potential future life partner seems so impersonal. But rapidly pawing through short looping videos? That’s the stuff of true romance. 

Or, at least, that’s what Tinder clearly hopes. The company announced today that it’s testing a new feature which will allow people to upload two-second looping videos to their profiles in place of the more traditional photo. 

“That’s right, you get two seconds of looping video to show more personality, which is the best way to get more right swipes,” the company explained in a press release. “And be quick about it, because everyone who’s anyone will be showing off their moves.” Read more…

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I’d love to delete Facebook, but I don’t want to give up my Tinder matches

Deleting Facebook wasn’t something I’d ever given much thought to. Until this week. 
Since news broke about Cambridge Analytica’s “hijacking” of 50 million Facebook users’ data in a bid to influence the U.S. election, deleting Facebook is all I …

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Bumble responds to Match’s patent lawsuit

Yesterday we reported that Match, the parent company of Tinder, was suing Bumble for patent infringement and misuse of intellectual property. Specifically, Match alleged that Bumble “copied Tinder’s world-changing, card-swipe-based, mutual opt-in premise” for which a patent was filed in 2013 (before Bumble was founded) but just granted a few months ago. Today Bumble has responded to […]

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Zoosk Labs is trying to build the HQ of dating apps


Good news, trivia buffs who are looking for love: Now you can kill two birds with one stone.

Zoosk Labs – an experimental arm of the OG dating site – is taking inspiration from the HQ playbook to overhaul its existing video dating app, Lively. 

While the most recent version of Lively, launched in 2016, focused on connecting random users via live video chat – somewhat similar to Chat Roulette – its newest feature focuses on building interactions through live group trivia. Think HQ, but with randomly selected teams of 2 to 4 strangers communicating over live video chat to determine the correct answer. Read more…

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LinkedIn stalking is low key the biggest thing in online dating


LinkedIn isn’t the first social network you think of when looking for love. But, like it or not, it’s become a critical part of the internet dating scene and all the sketchy stalking that comes with it.

Yes, the professional networking platform — so full of thirsty randos desperate to send you messages about their Kickstarter — has become a valuable resource for online daters. This database full of personal information, which most career-minded people feel obligated to join, makes for a perfect location to learn more about your matches… or to be a total creep.

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Tinder really doesn’t like commenting on Bumble’s gun photo ban


Tinder would like its online dating community to know that gun photos are still allowed in profile photos — as long as they’re not depicted in a threatening or violent way.

This clarification on Tinder’s gun photo policy comes just one day after its chief competitor Bumble made a declaration to ban guns from user profile photos. Bumble explained the new policy to users through an in-app notification, blog post, and conversations with media outlets including Mashable.

Bumble says to ensure this new policy is followed, a team of 5,000 contractors will be actively moderating Bumble users’ profiles. There are exceptions for people in the military or in law enforcement if they are holding weapons while in uniforms as well as competitive sports shooters.  Read more…

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Ugh, of course ‘cryptomancing’ is the newest dating trend


In case you hadn’t heard, cryptocurrencies are the hot topic du jour. Crypto-chat has worked its way into our dinner party conversations. And, now it seems it’s even wormed itself into our dating lives. Great.

Cryptomancing — a term coined by The Guardian —  is the latest trend to grace the world of dating apps. And, if you’re an avid swiper, you’ve probably come face-to-face with a “cryptomancer.” 

“They’re male, and after about three introductory questions, will say: ‘I’ve been investing in a lot of bitcoin recently, as well as Ripple and Ethereum,'” writes The Guardian’s Max Benwell.  Read more…

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