Facebook retracted Zuckerberg’s messages from recipients’ inboxes

You can’t remove Facebook messages from the inboxes of people you sent them to, but Facebook did that for Mark Zuckerberg and other executives. Three sources confirm to TechCrunch that old Facebook messages they received from Zuckerberg have disappeared from their Facebook inboxes, while their own replies to him conspiculously remain. An email receipt of […]

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You can now send 360-degree photos in Messenger


Your messages are about to become way more immersive.

On Tuesday, Facebook rolled out the ability to send 360-degree photos in Messenger. It’s now available all over the world for both iOS and Android. 

To take a 360 photo in Messenger, take a panorama with your phone’s camera, or take a 360 photo with a third-party camera or app. You can now share it in Messenger as you would any other photo — the app will convert panoramas to 360 photos automatically.

As Facebook product managers Sean Kelly and Hagen Green wrote in a company blog post, “the world is your oyster now in Messenger.”  Read more…

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Facebook Messenger gets admin rights for group chats

In this modern world, some days it can feel like everything is out of your grasp. So take stock on those things that you can control. Like Messenger, Facebook’s increasingly feature-rich offshoot app, which now sports admin privileges for group chats. The new feature is rolling out this week, giving users the ability to better […]

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TechCrunch’s Messenger bot gets smarter and more conversational

 We’ve teamed up with Chatfuel and Bitext to add Bitext’s NLP Middleware to the TechCrunch Messenger bot. This enhanced version adds functionality for conversational interaction, improved natural language understanding, and unique features like negation understanding. Read More

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Facebook’s next money-maker: Messenger Broadcasts

 Users might hate it, but Facebook is now testing a self-serve sponsored messaging tool for small businesses that aren’t sophisticated enough to build bots. TechCrunch first reported Facebook internally building a prototype of the Messenger Broadcast tool back in November that let companies blast a message to anyone who’s already started a conversation with them. Now Facebook is… Read More

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Pulse Q&A wants to transform the way we gather data from CIOs

 Lots of companies need to understand what CIOs are thinking, but it’s hard to get a group of busy people to give meaningful answers about the products they use or their budget priorities in public forums for obvious reasons. Pulse Q&A is a new company in the Y Combinator Winter 2018 class that wants to change how we gather and share this valuable information. “Imagine you had… Read More

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Facebook Messenger’s “Your Emoji” status tells friends what’s up

 Want to let friends know you’re trying to party, hit the gym, focus on work, or grab a drink? That’s the idea behind a powerful new feature Facebook Messenger is testing called Your Emoji. Akin to offline meetup app Down To Lunch, it lets you overlay a chosen emoji on your Messenger profile pic for 24 hours as a way to spur conversation and hang outs, or just let people know… Read More

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Holy moly! Facebook test was nudging me to chat with a church

 Facebook says it’s on a mission to de-bloat its Messenger app this year. At the same time, TechCrunch has discovered, the data-mining giant is running tests on its desktop platform to inject the Messenger “contact pages” of businesses directly into your chat sidebar. Read More

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Bloated Facebook Messenger promises to simplify in 2018

 “The app became too cluttered,” Facebook’s head of Messenger David Marcus announced today in a post of plans for 2018 including “massively simplifying and streamlining Messenger this year.” Between Messenger Day/Stories, its Snapchatty augmented reality camera, a bot Discover section, games, and more, Facebook had to build artificial intelligence “M… Read More

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Facebook updates ‘M’ — removing humans from virtual assistant


Facebook is saying farewell to “M,” its human-led virtual assistant — at least in its current form, The Verge reported on Monday.  

The product, available via Facebook Messenger, was released back in August 2015 and available only to about 2,000 people in California. It combined artificial intelligence with real humans to complete tasks for users like sending flowers

Back then, Facebook pitched the idea as a “beta” test and made it available to a handful of users, but members of the team implied it would be expanded. Facebook’s Messenger chief David Marcus told The Verge back in 2016 that M wouldn’t be broadly available for “years.” Read more…

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