Taylor Swift breaks political silence, backs Democrats in midterm race


Taylor Swift has long shied away from politics, a silence which has led to intense criticism from both sides of politics.

But on Sunday night, the pop monarch at last voiced her political stance on the upcoming midterm elections on Nov. 6.

Swift, who’ll be voting in the state of Tennessee, actively voiced her concerns for Republican Marsha Blackburn, and backed Democrats Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper.

“In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now,” Swift captioned her post. Read more…

More about Taylor Swift, Midterms, Midterm Elections 2018, Entertainment, and Politics

View More Taylor Swift breaks political silence, backs Democrats in midterm race

The next Russian attack on U.S. elections could be more serious than Facebook memes


This is not a drill. Nor, alas, is it the fever dream of a Cold War hack novelist, as much as it sounds like one. In 2017, Russian hackers gained control of the U.S. power grid to the point where they could cause blackouts. And the U.S. government doesn’t know if they’re still able to do it. 

Worse yet, there’s reason to believe this is part of an attack on the 2018 election — one that could make Russia’s pivotal 2016 shenanigans (its fake news machine, DNC email hacking, voter registration hacking and Facebook meme-making) look like child’s play. 

We learned about a Russian attack on American infrastructure when the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security released a report in March, but we didn’t know how bad it was until a DHS briefing on Monday. Hundreds of utility companies had fallen victim to the hackers; there may be many more out there that have been hacked and don’t know it. Energetic Bear managed to get into the control rooms of power stations, even into supposedly secure “air-gapped” networks, via vendors.  Read more…

More about Elections, Putin, Electricity, Midterms, and 2018 Midterm Elections

View More The next Russian attack on U.S. elections could be more serious than Facebook memes