Email sign-offs, ranked


Well, you’ve done it. You’ve written the email that will land you the job, get you the big meeting, or convince your landlord to finally replace your non-functional stove.

But now you must choose how to end your flawless email. Do you play it safe and use “Best” as your sign-off? Do you reveal your enthusiasm with an exclamation point? Do you go rogue and make a joke about how you, like Garfield, hate Mondays? It’s a big choice.

There’s definitely not an email sign-off that works for every situation, but there are some sign-offs that are better than others — and, because I get a lot of pitch emails, I’ve pretty much seen them all. Read more…

More about Humor, Email, Rankings, Culture, and Web Culture

Email sign-offs, ranked


Well, you’ve done it. You’ve written the email that will land you the job, get you the big meeting, or convince your landlord to finally replace your non-functional stove.

But now you must choose how to end your flawless email. Do you play it safe and use “Best” as your sign-off? Do you reveal your enthusiasm with an exclamation point? Do you go rogue and make a joke about how you, like Garfield, hate Mondays? It’s a big choice.

There’s definitely not an email sign-off that works for every situation, but there are some sign-offs that are better than others — and, because I get a lot of pitch emails, I’ve pretty much seen them all. Read more…

More about Humor, Email, Rankings, Culture, and Web Culture

Email sign-offs, ranked


Well, you’ve done it. You’ve written the email that will land you the job, get you the big meeting, or convince your landlord to finally replace your non-functional stove.

But now you must choose how to end your flawless email. Do you play it safe and use “Best” as your sign-off? Do you reveal your enthusiasm with an exclamation point? Do you go rogue and make a joke about how you, like Garfield, hate Mondays? It’s a big choice.

There’s definitely not an email sign-off that works for every situation, but there are some sign-offs that are better than others — and, because I get a lot of pitch emails, I’ve pretty much seen them all. Read more…

More about Humor, Email, Rankings, Culture, and Web Culture