Friendly reminder: There are a lot of soothing dog show videos on YouTube


Hard Refresh is a soothing weekly column where we try to reset your brain and cleanse it of whatever terrible thing you just witnessed on Twitter.

In my opinion, one of the only reasons for YouTube to still exist is animal videos. 

Otherwise a cesspool of screaming vloggers and disturbing children’s content, pages like the Sunflower Farm Creamery and the Cincinnati Zoo (home of Fiona the hippo) lend the overstuffed platform a little joy. One of my favorites, though, isn’t a page but a genre: dog show clips.

I watch both the Westminster Dog Show and the National Dog Show religiously. Although I’m sure the dog show experience is much different in person, on TV they’re tranquil, quiet, structured events featuring pleasant banter in which I do not have to participate — perfect for my anxiety. Plus, they star the most adorable creatures on the planet. Read more…

More about Youtube, Dogs, Hard Refresh, Culture, and Web Culture