Give this person who made an 8-bit Mario jack-o’-lantern infinite coins


Nintendo’s icon and star, Mario, just got the best Halloween tribute ever.  

A jack-o’-lantern that was carved in the shape of an 8-bit Mario back in his 2D days has circulated around Reddit. The carving is extremely detailed, and it nails the exact pixelated look of the character.

Reddittor WobWobRob posted a photo of their jack-o’-lantern on r/gaming where it was praised by the community. Quite honestly, it’s a really incredible work of art.

The work that went into carving the pumpkin is nothing to scoff at either. The creator explained that they had used a “pixelated grid” in order to accurately carve the correct amount of depth for certain parts of Mario’s body. Read more…

More about Reddit, Halloween, Mario, Culture, and Gaming