Great job everybody, we just killed free online porn


RIP your porn habit.

Thursday’s FCC vote to end net neutrality will kill many of the things you enjoy most about the internet in its current form, but chief among them is your ability to access copious amounts of free adult entertainment.

Image: giphy

At the moment, porn makes up a massive portion of our online consumption. Last year Pornhub viewers alone used 3,110 petabytes of bandwidth. And people are paying almost nothing for it. 

But now that internet service providers will have the option to control what we can access, they’ll be able to stop the free flow of what we all want most. Platforms like Pornhub and YouPorn have been vocal in the fight against net neutrality, and the loss of it will likely reshape the entire industry.  Read more…

More about Pornography, Net Neutrality, Pornhub, Culture, and Sex Relationships