Jimmy Kimmel ends the weird war Sean Hannity started against him


Sean Hannity is always preying on something, and this time it’s Jimmy Kimmel.

Kimmel explained on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night that he woke up to news that Sean Hannity called him a “despicable disgrace” and an “ass clown”—which Kimmel explains is because “there’s nothing important going on in the country right now”—for imitating Melania Trump’s accent as she read a book to children on Easter.

Hannity calls Kimmel’s joke “brutal,” asking Kimmel how many languages he speaks, because “that’s her fifth language.”

But what Kimmel is most interested in is the meaning of the phrase “ass clown:” “is it an ass that’s a clown or a clown that actually lives in an ass?” Read more…

More about Jimmy Kimmel, Sean Hannity, Culture, Politics, and Movies Tv Shows