Maisie Williams just gave us the Stark reunion we didn’t know we needed


The last time Arya Stark saw her older brother Robb on Game of Thrones, it was a pretty horrendous scene. You might recall Robb’s headless body was being marched through the streets with the head of his direwolf Grey Wind attached to a mocking chant of “King in the North!” 

But thankfully, Maisie Williams just gave us the wholesome Stark reunion we so desperately needed. Williams posted a photo on her Instagram along with her Game of Thrones co-star Richard Madden, who played Robb Stark.

Oh how satisfying it is to see the King in the North reunited with his little sister again.  Read more…

More about Game Of Thrones, Maisie Williams, Richard Madden, Culture, and Movies Tv Shows