Over 26,000 people sign petition to change the word ‘No’ to ‘Yesn’t’


If your brain already hurts from the Yanny/Laurel drama, get ready for the next way to butcher the English language: changing “no” to “yesn’t.” 

A Change.org petition to change the word “no” to “yesn’t” was posted on Tuesday. Since then, it’s gained over 26,000 signatures, gaining hundreds of more supporters every hour. The petition’s description only says “My Jeff,” because internet humor can’t get more bizarre than that. 

There’s yesn’t shortage of memes about it.

People want to change the word "no" to "yesn't," and it actually has a lot of support.

People want to change the word “no” to “yesn’t,” and it actually has a lot of support.

Image: screengrab via change.org

Clearly, the petition is working. Just look at how much interest in “yesn’t” has shot up this month, according to Google: Read more…

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