Popular theory: ‘Super Mario Odyssey’ is noir as hell


The camera fades in on a man in bowler hat sitting in a chair, half cast in shadow. His gloved hand grips his chestnut hair in frustration as he gazes on the photo of a victim. He sighs as he leans forward, his face now illuminated, revealing our protagonist and a 2nd pair of eyes staring out from his hat.

It’s a-me, Mario. And it’s-a my partner, Cappy.

The new Mario game has some serious film noir vibes. Fans on Twitter have been picking up on the crooked stink of New Donk City since the game came out, but the idea seems to have solidified with the brilliant help of the Storied podcast. The podcast goes on a journey with co-hosts Sean Ainsworth, Harrison Pink, and Chris Rebbert as they transform famous films, TV shows, and games into other mediums. Read more…

More about Nintendo, Mario, Film Noir, Super Mario Odyssey, and Peach