Surprise! Sean Spicer’s book is full of incorrect ‘facts.’


Sean Spicer’s back, and yep, he’s still in desperate need of a personal fact-checker.

On Tuesday, “The Briefing: Politics, the Press, and the President,” a memoir written by the former White House press secretary, was published, but sadly the contents are not entirely accurate.

In the book, Spicer — who infamously lied about inauguration crowd sizes — gets important names wrong, and even says Barack Obama was president in 1999. Oops. That’s an error so mortifying an author might feel compelled to hide in the bushes.

In a review on Tuesday, Jonathan Karl called Spicer out for his error-filled book in The Wall Street Journal, explaining, “Mr. Spicer has not been well served by the book’s fact checkers and copy editors.” Read more…

More about Politics, Books, Culture, Sean Spicer, and Culture