‘Harry Potter’ written by a bot is gloriously illustrated by a human


To be fair, how could you not illustrate Harry Potter and the Portrait of what looked like a large Pile of Ash?

After a bot wrote an absolutely incredible chapter of Harry Potter, one artist saw the opportunity of a lifetime.

I have to draw some moments from this bot-written Harry Potter chapter#loudslowsoftbird https://t.co/YdKLyJd64o pic.twitter.com/3Xywuaa5uQ

— Megan Nicole Dong (@sketchshark) December 14, 2017

More about Illustration, Harry Potter, Bot, Culture, and Web Culture

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This ‘Harry Potter’ activewear will guarantee you the House Cup


Someone give us a Triwizard Tournament to win, as we need an excuse to hand over our galleons for this new Harry Potter-inspired activewear.

A new range from Australian label Black Milk, “Team Hogwarts,” is something we’d actually wear — and maybe exercise in (or just rewatch the Prisoner of Azkaban).

Choose your house, whether Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, then pick from tank tops, leggings, tunic dresses and sweatshirts emblazoned with your colours. Each piece ranges from A$70-120 ($53-91), so it won’t empty your entire Gringott’s vault. Read more…

More about Fashion, Active Wear, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Books, and Harry Potter Films

View More This ‘Harry Potter’ activewear will guarantee you the House Cup

This ‘Harry Potter’ activewear will guarantee you the House Cup


Someone give us a Triwizard Tournament to win, as we need an excuse to hand over our galleons for this new Harry Potter-inspired activewear.

A new range from Australian label Black Milk, “Team Hogwarts,” is something we’d actually wear — and maybe exercise in (or just rewatch the Prisoner of Azkaban).

Choose your house, whether Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, then pick from tank tops, leggings, tunic dresses and sweatshirts emblazoned with your colours. Each piece ranges from A$70-120 ($53-91), so it won’t empty your entire Gringott’s vault. Read more…

More about Fashion, Active Wear, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Books, and Harry Potter Films

View More This ‘Harry Potter’ activewear will guarantee you the House Cup

A hilarious new Harry Potter chapter was written by a predictive keyboard — and it’s perfect

There’s a new Harry Potter chapter that was written using a predictive keyboard trained on the Harry Potter series. Let’s just say we’re glad it’s not canon.
SEE ALSO: These ‘Harry Potter’ ebook covers were never released (but should have been)
The t…

View More A hilarious new Harry Potter chapter was written by a predictive keyboard — and it’s perfect

‘Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery’ finally lets you fulfill your fantasy of attending Hogwarts

Hogwarts is finally opening its doors to you. Yes you.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, announced today, is a mobile game that fulfills the lifelong fantasies of Harry Potter fans, allowing them to create their own characters and attend the Hogwarts S…

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Alohomora! Harry Potter game hits your phone next year with Jam City

 Niantic’s much-anticipated Harry Potter follow up to Pokemon Go is coming next year, but Harry Potter fans who want their first taste of Hogwarts on mobile don’t have to wait, because Harry Potter is coming to the Los Angeles-based mobile gaming studio, Jam City. Through a partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Jam City has gotten a license to develop a new… Read More

View More Alohomora! Harry Potter game hits your phone next year with Jam City

Cozy up inside the Hogwarts house of your choosing for the winter


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It’s never a bad time for Potterheads to show off their Hogwarts pride. With winter on the rise, you might as well do it with these Harry Potter House Comforters on ThinkGeek.

They’re a perfect way to indulge your Harry Potter obsession and keep warm and snug in your bed while doing it. You can even choose a design from your favorite Hogwarts house so you can stick true to your Pottermore results. Read more…

More about Harry Potter, Home Decor, Pottermore, Home Decorating, and Slytherin

View More Cozy up inside the Hogwarts house of your choosing for the winter

‘Harry Potter’ fan says J.K. Rowling blocked her after she criticised Johnny Depp


A Harry Potter fan has gone viral on Twitter after she was apparently blocked by J.K. Rowling for tweeting a question about Johnny Depp.

The whole thing started on Tuesday, when 24-year-old lab technician Lindsey B tagged Rowling in the following tweet:

So if I understand correctly the actor who played Crabbe, a minor character, was fired from Harry Potter for doing drugs. Yet Johnny Depp, who abused his wife, gets a major role in your movies? Correct me if I’m wrong @jk_rowling

— Lindsey @ London (@hobbitlindsey) November 28, 2017 Read more…

More about Twitter, Uk, Harry Potter, Jk Rowling, and Johnny Depp

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‘Fantastic Beasts’ director turns blind eye to Johnny Depp backlash


Johnny Depp’s casting in the Fantastic Beasts series is the hill upon which Warner Bros. has chosen to fight and die. Director David Yates addressed the ongoing casting controversy in an exclusive for Entertainment Weekly on Tuesday, and he seemed to attribute it to the current climate of, um, calling out toxic masculinity.

“Honestly there’s an issue at the moment where there’s a lot of people being accused of things, they’re being accused by multiple victims, and it’s compelling and frightening,” Yates told EW. “With Johnny, it seems to me there was one person who took a pop at him and claimed something.” Read more…

More about Entertainment, Movies, Harry Potter, Johnny Depp, and Fantastic Beasts

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These ‘Harry Potter’ ebook covers were never released (but should have been)

Since Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published in 1997, there have been many different covers published for J.K. Rowling’s beloved books.
UK illustrator Olly Moss was commissioned by Rowling’s website Pottermore to create covers for the…

View More These ‘Harry Potter’ ebook covers were never released (but should have been)