Hinge sells 51 percent of shares to Match Group

Match Group, parent company of dating apps Tinder, OKCupid and Match, announced yesterday that it has acquired a 51 percent stake in Hinge. With this new acquisition, Match Group has the right to acquire all remaining shares of Hinge within a 12-month period. Match Group says its interest in Hinge began in 2017 after a […]

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Crown, a new app from Tinder’s parent company, turns dating into a game

If you’re already resentful of online dating culture and how it turned finding companionship into a game, you may not be quite ready for this: Crown, a new dating app that actually turns getting matches into a game. Crown is the latest project to launch from Match Group, the operator of a number of dating […]

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Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd is coming to Disrupt SF

Bumble founder and CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd has always done things her own way. Whether it’s standing up for her political beliefs, building a company with fully outsourced engineers or avoiding the usual startup fundraising runaround, Wolfe Herd follows her own instincts in building a business. Which is why we’re super excited to announce that […]

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Best friends crash a date wearing hilarious disguises


Online dating can be a pretty hit or miss experience — can you really trust a total stranger that you met on an app? Sometimes it’s good to bring some friends as backup if the date turns sour. Sometimes good friends show up regardless of whether or not you asked.

When Twitter user @backwoodbadi went on a date with someone she met online, her two best friends joined … in disguise. 

Dressed in massive curly wigs, her friends sat a few tables away from @backwoodbadi and her date. Luckily, her date didn’t notice the ridiculously costumed pair, but she definitely did.  Read more…

More about Tinder, Twitter Reactions, Culture, and Web Culture

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Blaming dating apps for the rise of STDs is just the latest form of sex panic


“Are dating apps to blame for the rise in STDs?”

It’s a line that seems tailor-made for morning news shows, designed to be read in that formal, faux-inquisitive tone newscasters use before cutting to commercial break.

It’s true that STD rates have risen in the U.S. over the last 10 years, with an especially steep rise in the last four years. Alongside straight coverage of this rise, reports drawing the line between STDs and dating apps have also proliferated on local news, digital outlets, and cable networks around the country. 

And like all sound bites, the way these pieces are framed doesn’t reflect the whole story — they just capitalize on the easiest part of it. Read more…

More about Science, Tinder, Dating Apps, Science And Technology, and Grindr

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Tinder tests ‘Places,’ which finds you a date based on your regular hang out spots

If running into people on Tinder at the spots you visit regularly sounds like a good idea, then you’ll like the dating app’s new feature, Places.
Using geolocation to keep track of the places you frequent, the feature allows you to find potential mat…

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Tinder Places tracks your location to help you find matches

Tinder will now help you find matches with those people you may cross paths with in your day-to-day life. As promised earlier, the company today is announcing the launch of a new location-based feature that will narrow down your list of potential dating prospects to those who hit up your same bar for after-work drinks, […]

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I sent my Tinder matches royal-themed pickup lines and they actually worked


Always the royal wedding spectator and never the royal bride? Yeah, me neither. Fear ye not, fellow royal fanatics, for we have a little trick up our sleeves that could set your Tinder ablaze right on time for the royal nuptials. 

I gave some tried-and-tested pickup lines a royal makeover and sent them off to my Tinder matches in the hope of finding romance ahead of Harry and Meghan’s big day.

Much to my delight — and surprise, if we’re being honest — these regal openers worked like a charm. 

Behold, my success at finding a Tinder prince—well several, actually.  Read more…

More about Tinder, Royal Family, Prince Harry, Royal Wedding, and Meghan Markle

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Tinder’s upcoming location-based feature seems a bit creepy

Do you want random Tinder users to see where you’ve been? Uh, no? Well, great news: an upcoming Tinder feature called Places will allow for just that. According to screenshots detailing Tinder Places uncovered by The Verge, the dating app is developing a feature that tracks your location via its app, then shows potential matches […]

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Whitney Wolfe Herd doesn’t care what she’s supposed to do

It’s 4:55pm Central Time on a Tuesday at Bumble headquarters in Austin, Texas. Whitney Wolfe Herd, the 28-year-old founder and CEO of the woman-led dating app is showing me around the nearly four-year-old startup’s office before we sit down to talk. Our first stop is the standard startup watering hole, with a few twists. The fridges […]

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