Celebrate Transgender Day of Resilience with these stunning posters and poems


Since 2015, a group of artists has marked the solemn day known as Transgender Day of Remembrance, on Nov. 20, with vivid art and poetry meant to celebrate the strength and determination of trans people. 

The separate project, known as Transgender Day of Resilience, is a “reimagining” of how to honor both transgender people who died violently and transgender people who lead happy, fulfilling lives, despite the often terrifying odds stacked against them. 

At least 25 transgender people, many of them people of color, have been killed this year in cases that involved clear anti-trans bias or where their transgender status exposed them to increased risk, such as homelessness. At least 23 trans people died last year in similar circumstances, according to the LGBTQ advocacy group Human Rights Campaign. Read more…

More about Politics, Social Good, Transgender, Poetry, and Activism