Cynthia Nixon shrugs off ‘unqualified lesbian’ barb with tweet zinger


Now that actress Cynthia Nixon is officially running for governor of New York, she’s facing some tough jeers from opponents. 

But the Sex And The City star is also rolling with the (low) punches with the ease and swagger of a seasoned pro.

Speaking to the New York Post on Tuesday, former NYC Council speaker Christine Quinn, who is openly gay and a supporter of Gov. Andrew Cuomo (Nixon’s opponent in the Democratic primary) said, “Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City. Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York. You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor.” Read more…

More about New York, Lgbtq Rights, Cynthia Nixon, Christine Quinn, and Culture