Tragedy strikes the American Girl Store on ‘SNL,’ but everyone is fixated on this one dude


Saturday Night Live checked in with shoppers after an underground gas main exploded at a Phoenix American Girl Store, and boy were they shaken up.

Reporter Ben Hartley (Kenan Thompson) spoke with customers Debbie Pritchard, a mother shopping with her daughter (played by Lady Bird’s Saoirse Ronan,) and Thomas Dean (Mikey Day) a grown-ass man who was just, you know, shopping for a doll. Alone.

They recounted the horrific experience of the explosion, explaining what brought each of them to the store to begin with.

Though Dean claimed he was “buying a gift” his weird doll obsession wound up overshadowing the explosion, and it wasn’t long before Hartley uncovered the real story: Grown Man Frequents American Girl Store Alone with Beloved Doll. Read more…

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