‘Black Panther’ has the best Marvel supervillain ever. Yes, even better than Loki.


Excited for Black Panther? So are we. Which is why we’re rolling out obsessive coverage with Black Panther Week.

Spoilers ahead for Black Panther.  

Black Panther just pulled off a Marvel Cinematic Universe first: A supervillain worth rooting for. 

Sure, other MCU baddies have been charming (hello, Hela) or surprising (hi, Mandarin) or sympathetic (we see you, Loki). A couple of them have even made good points – Zemo and Vulture’s grievances felt legitimate, even if their methods of rectifying them did not.

But Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger is all of those things, and something more besides. It’s a truism that every villain sees themselves as the hero in their own story; Killmonger is the first time this has actually felt true in a MCU movie.  Read more…

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