Barry Jenkins, director of ‘Moonlight,’ finally delivers his Oscars speech

Oscar speeches are normally a great time to sneak in a nap, but every once in a while, a speech comes along you actually want to hear.
Barry Jenkins’ acceptance speech for Moonlight has to be at the top of the list. After the awkward Oscar mishap of …

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There’s actually a good explanation for why ‘The Boss Baby’ got an Oscar nom


The 2018 Oscar nominations made a lot of people happy (Greta Gerwig! Daniel Kaluuya! Logan!), but as usual, there were oversights – like that Best Animated Feature nomination for The Boss Baby. Twitter was insulted – nay, wounded – to see the Alec Baldwin film up for such a prestigious award, even if it won’t win.

As hilarious and facepalm-worthy as it is, there’s a likely explanation for The Boss Baby crawling into the Oscar race. An Oscar rule instated in 2017 allows any interested member of the Academy to vote on animated films, regardless of their background or connection to animation. Instead of the opinions of, you know, experts in their field, votes could be from literally any Academy member who just likes watching these movies — which, as the above SlashFilm piece points out, means a lot of people were presumably voting by saying, “Eh, my kid likes it.” Read more…

More about Entertainment, Movies, Academy Awards, Hollywood, and Oscars 2017

View More There’s actually a good explanation for why ‘The Boss Baby’ got an Oscar nom