How Pete Souza’s adorable tortoise Charlotte became a Trump-resisting icon


Have you ever wondered how to be Instagram famous without needing to know how to take a perfectly-framed photo or write an inspiring caption?

It’s possible… if you’re Pete Souza’s pet tortoise Charlotte. Thanks to the former White House photographer under President Barack Obama, Charlotte — better known as @charlottethetortoise to her 20,000-plus Instagram followers — has not only become the internet’s latest viral animal sensation, but also a rallying soldier in the resistance against Donald Trump.

The Washingtonian has published a short chronicling of Charlotte’s rise to fame and unexpected modeling career in Souza’s photography, which often throws shade at Trump and his administration in the cleverest of ways by contrasting the embarrassingly chaotic White House with the dignified and more orderly administration under former President Obama. Read more…

More about Instagram, Animals, Trump, Shade, and Pete Souza

View More How Pete Souza’s adorable tortoise Charlotte became a Trump-resisting icon

People have the weirdest nicknames for their pets and yep, it’s a meme now


Pets are like family, only furrier and cuter.

Just like we’d never call our grandmothers by their real names, calling pets by their given names is just unnatural.

On Twitter, pet owners are sharing their nicknames for their pets, after Twitter user @metroadlib first shared their list of names for their dog, Cooper.  

my dog’s name is cooper.

i call him—
& sweetboy.

i use sweetboy the most.

i call this mfer “cooper” exactly 7% of the time.

— fooler initiative (@metroadlib) January 23, 2019 Read more…

More about Memes, Pets, Twitter Moments, Culture, and Animals

View More People have the weirdest nicknames for their pets and yep, it’s a meme now

Magical pooch performs tricks to ‘Harry Potter’ spells, deserves 10 points for Gryffindor


A long-haired, mini dachshund with the name Remus is frankly adorable enough already. 

But when you add a miniature Hogwarts uniform, and a video of the little chap doing tricks in response to Harry Potter spells, the whole thing goes to another level.

The following video was tweeted by actor and YouTuber Anna Brisbin on Monday, after it went (understandably) viral.

On Tuesday morning, the video got the official Pottermore seal of approval.

10 points to Gryffin-paw!

— Pottermore (@pottermore) January 8, 2019 Read more…

More about Uk, Dogs, Harry Potter, Culture, and Animals

View More Magical pooch performs tricks to ‘Harry Potter’ spells, deserves 10 points for Gryffindor