Hey slackers, these gifts all have free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime


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There’s a week left until Christmas and you haven’t even starting shopping? It’s ok.

Amazon Prime is here for you, saving people who put off holiday shopping until the very last minute, every single year.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone — and you’re not screwedSign up for Amazon Prime (or give the gift of Prime to someone else) to get free two-day shipping on a seriously insane amount of things on Amazon — not just during the holidays, but year-round. 

More about Disney, Kindle, Amazon Prime, Fitbit, and Amazon Echo

View More Hey slackers, these gifts all have free 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime

What’s next for ‘The Simpsons’ after years of mocking their new owner Disney?


As I’m sure you heard, Disney bought 20th Century Fox for $52 billion today. And I’m sure your first thought was, what does this mean for The Simpsons?

While we don’t know exactly, we will gladly speculate while ruminating on the fact that, for 28 years, the longest-running animated show has dunked on the Big Mouse company over and over again. 

While we don’t know about how the show’s new overlords will treat the beloved show, it could very well mean good things for fans.

Another huge thing that Disney bought — besides the right to include X-Men in their Avengers movies — is a hefty share of control over streaming platform Hulu. As we wrote, one of Disney’s main goals for buying the media company would be to compete with Netflix’s and Amazon’s growing influence with its own enormous back catalog. That includes The Simpsons.  Read more…

More about Disney, Disneyland, Fox, The Simpsons, and 20th Century Fox

View More What’s next for ‘The Simpsons’ after years of mocking their new owner Disney?

Disney and Netflix are battling for your kids’ attention — and your wallet


With Disney’s $52 billion acquisition of 21st Century Fox, the world’s greatest children’s entertainment behemoth now gets the foundation for distribution platforms to match. 

In other words: The kids content steaming wars are on. And — this should go without saying — where there are kids’ attention spans, there’s a ton of money to be made.

While talk of cord-cutter culture is usually centered around millennials, it’s worth remembering that they’re not all young adults living in big cities with roommates, Slack rooms, group chats, and haute weed habits. Plenty of them have small, demanding, freeloading roommates with sugar habits. You may know them as “children.”  Read more…

More about Netflix, Disney, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Moana

View More Disney and Netflix are battling for your kids’ attention — and your wallet

Dear Disney: Now you own the original ‘Star Wars’, please restore its full glory

The history of Star Wars and the history of 20th Century Fox, the movie studio that Rupert Murdoch just sold to Disney as one part of a massive $52 billion deal, are intimately intertwined. 
20th Century Fox executive Alan Ladd Jr., known to one…

View More Dear Disney: Now you own the original ‘Star Wars’, please restore its full glory

Ryan Reynolds posts hilarious pic implying Deadpool is already in trouble with Disney


Disney just bought Fox for $52 billion and now owns, among other things, the Merc with the Mouth. Ryan Reynolds quickly shared a photo of Deadpool being escorted from the Disneyland premises with the caption “Apparently you can’t blow the Matterhorn.”

Deadpool is known for his unsavory comments and a formidable level of snark that brought the 2016 film an R rating (not to mention blockbuster success).

Apparently you can’t actually blow the Matterhornpic.twitter.com/2bEAAcZrUv

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) December 14, 2017 Read more…

More about Entertainment, Twitter, Movies, Disney, and Deadpool

View More Ryan Reynolds posts hilarious pic implying Deadpool is already in trouble with Disney

Mark Hamill: Not having Carrie Fisher around to see ‘The Last Jedi’ is ‘unspeakably tragic’

Carrie Fisher’s death will always sting for Star Wars fans, but The Last Jedi is the first film in the franchise to release into a world without her. Even a year after her passing, costar Mark Hamill and director Rian Johnson struggled to find the wo…

View More Mark Hamill: Not having Carrie Fisher around to see ‘The Last Jedi’ is ‘unspeakably tragic’