Young people are the loneliest age group but smartphones aren’t to blame


Youth is a period most often associated with great promise, many possibilities, and an overall sense of freedom. But, youth can also be a time in life when many of us feel very lonely. 

A new major survey of over 55,000 people conducted by the BBC found that the loneliest among us are not the old, as you might imagine, but those aged between 16 and 24. 

40 percent of the 16-24 year olds surveyed reported that they often, or very often, feel lonely. The same goes for 27 percent of those over the age of 75. 

We conducted the world’s largest survey on loneliness and discovered that 16-24 year olds are the loneliest age group. Read our findings here:

— BBC Radio 4 (@BBCRadio4) October 1, 2018 Read more…

More about Mental Health, Social Media, Loneliness, Culture, and Identities

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These women want to change the way the world talks about mental health

Elisha London, Founder and CEO of United for Global Mental Health, speaks with Sitawa Wafula, Founder and Executive Director of My Mind, My Funk, about bringing mental health awareness and support across the globe. Read more…More about Mental Healt…

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The First Lady of New York City wants to destigmatize mental health issues

First Lady of New York City, Chirlane McCray, talks about destigmatizing mental health, taking care of your mind and self, and Thrive NYC. Read more…More about Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness, Social Good Summit 2018, Social Good, and Other

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10 apps to help kids control their emotions


Welcome to Small Humans, an ongoing series at Mashable that looks at how to take care of – and deal with – the kids in your life. Because Dr. Spock is nice and all, but it’s 2018 and we have the entire internet to contend with. 

Millions of people around the world can attest to the positive effects of mindfulness on their mental health and well-being. Take reduced stress levels, improved concentration and organization, and a greater ability to control emotions and experience compassion and empathy, just for starters.  

These are all things we want for our kids, right? And it’s easier than ever, thanks to the range of digital tools right at our fingertips. One of these apps could be the perfect way to introduce your child to a world of calm, mindfulness and emotional maturity.   Read more…

More about Mental Health, Mindfulness, Small Humans, Tech, and Health

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I turned off push notifications, and my introverted self has never felt better

This is You Won’t Regret It, a new weekly column featuring recommendations, tips, and unsolicited advice from the Mashable culture team.
I’ll admit it: I am that Trash Person who takes approximately three business days to text back. 
At the time…

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21 reasons to keep living when you feel suicidal


Dese’Rae L. Stage keeps a list of things that make her happy. It includes going to the movies alone, walking around with a giant cup of coffee, and quiet time with her wife. She learned a long time ago, after attempting suicide, that gratifying distractions and reminders of life’s small pleasures might save her in a moment of crisis. 

SEE ALSO: How 4 teens took on bullying — and won

Stage knows that even if a person once attempted or contemplated suicide, it doesn’t mean that’s how their life will end. She knows this because she’s a living example. She’s also the creator of Live Through This, an initiative that documents the portraits and stories of suicide attempt survivors. Stage has interviewed 186 people in 36 cities across the U.S. who once tried to end their lives but didn’t.  Read more…

More about Mental Health, Suicide, Suicide Prevention, Social Good, and Health

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MIT researchers teach a neural network to recognize depression

A new technology by MIT researchers can sense depression by analyzing the written and spoken responses by a patient. The system, pioneered by MIT’s CSAIL group, uses “a neural-network model that can be unleashed on raw text and audio data from interviews to discover speech patterns indicative of depression.” “Given a new subject, it can […]

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5 tips to help manage your back-to-school mental health


If you’re headed back to school, chances are you’ve already made at least one checklist. Got your schedule? Check. What about your supplies? Check. Talked with friends about which classes you have together? Bet you checked that one more than once. 

But there’s something likely missing from your list, and it might be the most important thing you take care of all year: addressing your mental health and wellbeing. 

Going back to school can be exciting. It can also be terrifying, particularly for teens who’ve already experienced bullying, anxiety, stress, depression, or trauma. In addition to the nerve-wracking aspects of middle school or high school — crushes, grades, cliques — students today are grappling with intense experiences, including natural disaster anniversaries, school shooting drills, and heightened political and social tensions that disproportionately affect young immigrants and LGBTQ people.  Read more…

More about Mental Health, Stress, Teens, Back To School, and Social Good

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Football club sends letter of support to fan who wrote about depression on social media

A man who posted about living with depression has received a touching letter from the CEO of the football club he supports.
Chris Ryder posted a photo of the letter sent to him by Gauthier Ganaye, chief executive of Barnsley Football Club in South Yo…

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Adele posts touching message about her best friend’s experience of postpartum psychosis


Adele has shared a touching message about her best friend’s struggle with postpartum psychosis after giving birth six months ago.

“This is my best friend,” wrote Adele on Instagram. “We have been friends for more of our lives than we haven’t.”

Adele wrote that her friend, Laura Dockrill, gave birth to her “beautiful godson” six months ago, which was “the biggest challenge of her life.”  

“She has written the most intimate, witty, heartbreaking and articulate piece about her experience of becoming a new mum and being diagnosed with postpartum psychosis,” she wrote.  Read more…

More about Parenting, Mental Health, Adele, Culture, and Health

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This Instagram poet is making young people feel less alone


It’s a rare but wonderful thing when you see yourself on the pages of the book you’re reading. I found myself furiously nodding my head and scribbling in the margins as I tore through She Must Be Mad, a new poetry and prose collection by 22-year-old Insta-poet Charly Cox. 

The book is divided into four (highly relatable) sections — namely: she must be in love; she must be mad; she must be fat; she must be an adult. Section by section, Cox grapples with her own personal battles, and in doing so, tackles the universal issues being faced millennials and Gen Z-ers. Things like mental illness, struggles with body image, dating in the world of apps, and coming of age in the era social media.  Read more…

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Mental health startup Lantern winds down its customer operations

Mental health startup Lantern, which raised more than $20 million in funding, is winding down its commercial operations after a couple of acquisition deals fell through, TechCrunch has learned. As part of the wind-down, Lantern is laying off about 25 people, which is the majority of the staff, with a handful of former team members […]

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