Welp, Trump has embraced Twitter’s new 280-character limit


President Donald Trump took advantage of Twitter’s expanded character count on Tuesday — but the excess words didn’t really add much.

He used 216 characters to let everyone know he was about to make a speech in South Korea and then travel to China. Riveting stuff.

Getting ready to make a major speech to the National Assembly here in South Korea, then will be headed to China where I very much look forward to meeting with President Xi who is just off his great political victory.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2017

But the old 140-character Twitter would’ve worked just fine to get his pretty boring point across. Here’s what his tweet should’ve looked like: Read more…

More about Twitter, Donald Trump, 280 Characters, Culture, and Politics

View More Welp, Trump has embraced Twitter’s new 280-character limit

Russian trolls pushed the California and Texas secession movements


Texans and Californians who supported their state’s secession in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election may have been duped by the Russian government. 

The Internet Research Agency has recently been linked to secession efforts in Texas and — as the BBC reported late last week — California.

Perhaps you remember #Calexit. 

Styled in the way of #Brexit, the campaign for the United Kingdom to remove itself from the European Union, #Calexit is a California secession “movement” that seemed to gain some traction right as President Donald Trump was elected, with the apparent aid of a Twitter bot network.  Read more…

More about Russia, Donald Trump, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

View More Russian trolls pushed the California and Texas secession movements

A checklist of 75 things we are willing to predict Trump will do in the near future

President Trump is no longer surprising. In fact, he has very likely exhausted the concept of surprise for a number of years.
This is a man who stared directly at the eclipse. A man who simultaneously calls white nationalists “very fine people” and e…

View More A checklist of 75 things we are willing to predict Trump will do in the near future

These Twitter accounts are killing it in Trump’s America


Just because President Donald Trump has overused Twitter since he got elected doesn’t mean he has a monopoly on the platform.

Politicians, writers, comedians, journalists, celebrities, and everyday users are taking the power of tweeting into their own hands and crushing it with biting commentary, witty takes, spot-on takedowns, smart analysis, and often a perfect response to yet another tweet or bombshell announcement from the president.

These are just some of the Twitter accounts calling out Trump and his policies, one sharp-witted tweet or retweetable GIF at a time. Read more…

More about Twitter, Donald Trump, Resistance, Election Anniversary, and Culture

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Woman in viral photo flipping off Trump’s motorcade told her employer and got fired


Juli Briskman did what a lot of folks have undoubtedly imagined themselves doing. 

She was biking in Sterling, Virginia, on Oct. 28, as President Donald Trump’s motorcade whisked past her, driving away from one of his golf courses. As the black SUVs rolled by, she raised her left arm and extended her middle finger.

The photo went everywhere so fast that, according to HuffPost, she decided to tell the human resources department at Akima LLC, where she worked as a marketing specialist.

Her employer wasn’t too happy about the photo, and they fired her.  Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Business, and Politics

View More Woman in viral photo flipping off Trump’s motorcade told her employer and got fired

Trump in Japan: A well-done burger for lunch with the Prime Minister


Ah Japan, the land of fresh sashimi, delectable sushi and all-American burgers. 

Trump enjoyed a hamburger over lunch with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday afternoon, as he kicked off the first part of a 12-day tour across Asia. 

“We sincerely welcome President Trump on his visit to Japan! We’re getting down to business right away over hamburgers,” said Abe on Twitter.

トランプ大統領の来日を、心より歓迎します!今から、さっそくハンバーガーでビジネスランチです。@realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/9RiaibqNLO

— 安倍晋三 (@AbeShinzo) November 5, 2017

The burger, according to a Japanese television outlet, was from Munch’s Burger Shack, a famous burger chain in Tokyo.  Read more…

More about Japan, Donald Trump, Sushi, Trump, and Japanese Food

View More Trump in Japan: A well-done burger for lunch with the Prime Minister

Don Jr. teaching Eric Trump about Fun Dip on ‘Saturday Night Live’ is the best ever


There’s a lot to like about this Weekend Update sketch on Saturday Night Live, but really, the best of it comes when Mikey Day and Alex Moffat trot out their always-hilarious impressions of Donald Trump’s elder sons, Don Jr. and Eric. In related news, Fun Dip is about to be popular again.

As funny as the Trump Bros are, don’t overlook the real fire in this sketch: Michael Che’s searing takedown of President Trump. I’ll let the quote speak for itself; it’s a good one.

“If you want to live-tweet Morning Joe or Cupcake Wars or whatever else you watch, fine. But indictments are important and you work for us — so go put on your baggy suit, fold your hair nice, and answer all of our questions face-to-face like the public servant that you are.” Read more…

More about Entertainment, Tv, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live, and Michael Che

View More Don Jr. teaching Eric Trump about Fun Dip on ‘Saturday Night Live’ is the best ever