Sacha Baron Cohen, crime-fighting Obama show why satire is a dying art under Trump


Nearly 20 months into the international embarrassment that is the Trump administration, faced with the prospect that its president may well be a Russian asset of some sort, Americans are in dire need of a laugh. 

Yet political comedians seem incapable of beating or even matching the sheer self-evident ridiculousness of the moment. (Heck, we feel their pain: It’s an impossible task for journalists to keep up with the news, let alone comedians.) 

In Trump Year 2, satire may not be dead exactly — but it’s certainly on life support. 

More about Comedy, Sacha Baron Cohen, Satire, Entertainment, and Politics

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Sacha Baron Cohen’s new show: Is it worth watching?


Sacha Baron Cohen’s Who Is America? created quite the buzz leading up to its release, with prominent conservative politicians reacting with outrage as they realized Cohen was effectively pranking them.

The series premiere is now streaming on Showtime (free for a limited time), and in true Cohen fashion, it’s got people talking.

Showtime hosted a screening of the first episode before its release, and it impacted Cohen’s comedy peers.

The first episode of the new @SachaBaronCohen show is available on the Show Time app and it’s incredible.

— Travon Free (@Travon) July 15, 2018 Read more…

More about Entertainment, Politics, Television, Comedy, and Sacha Baron Cohen

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‘Sorry to Bother You’ cast on the hidden message of their psychedelic sci-fi


The cast and creator of Sorry to Bother You, an absurdist comedy/sci-fi horror film set in the world of telemarketing, tried to answer some serious questions about the delightfully bizarre movie while playing with adorable (and adoptable) puppies.

Director Boots Riley and cast members Armie Hammer, Jermaine Fowler, Omari Hardwick, and Steven Yeun sat down to discuss the film’s clever commentary on modern social issues. Read more…

More about Film, Movies, Mashable Video, Sxsw, and Comedy

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Cameron Esposito’s ‘Rape Jokes’ comedy special is a challenge to do better


In 2012, Daniel Tosh made a rape joke during a standup set in California. A woman in the audience stood up and had a problem with it, being a victim of sexual assault herself. Tosh saw a heckler, and reacted immediately. He said “Wouldn’t it be funny if that girl got raped by like, five guys right now?”

Response to the episode was divisive, with many supporting the woman’s blog post about her experience, and many comics arguing for the industry’s freedom of speech (but also, freedom from heckling). It’s interesting to wonder how the same scene would play out now – or if a comic would even go there in the first place. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Comedy, Metoo, Cameron Esposito, and Rape Jokes

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Hari Kondabolu’s ‘Warn Your Relatives’ is the best detox from hate speech


It’s been quite a week for TV personalities with a penchant for hate speech and “controversial” opinions that just hurt people. In the wake of Roseanne‘s cancellation, many are wondering what celebrities can and can’t say – or what views they should espouse in the first place.

Hari Kondabolu’s Warn Your Relatives premiered on Netflix May 8, a culmination of months and years of the comic’s work. In the hourlong special, Kondabolu tackles the rise of white supremacy and both casual and severe racism – but he also reads hilarious texts from his mother and pontificates with gusto about mangoes.  Read more…

More about Entertainment, Netflix, Comedy, Hari Kondabolu, and Watch Of The Week

View More Hari Kondabolu’s ‘Warn Your Relatives’ is the best detox from hate speech

‘GQ’s comedy issue throws hysterical shade at ‘Vanity Fair’s photoshoot fail


Another day, another photoshoot fail. Only this time, the extra limbs were intentional.

GQ Magazine‘s 2018 Comedy Issue is here and in the name of big laughs the cover mocked the memorable Vanity Fair “Hollywood Portfolio” cover shoot that made Reese Witherspoon look like she had three legs and Oprah Winfrey look like she had three arms earlier this year.

Reese’s 3

— Jennifer Y. (@2many2read) January 25, 2018

For the cover comedy stars Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae, and Sarah Silverman were photographed posing together in stunning dresses. But while there are only three women present in the shot, if you look closely (or not even that closely, TBH) 15 different arms and legs can be seen. LOL. Read more…

More about Comedy, Magazine Cover, Reese Witherspoon, Vanity Fair, and Sarah Silverman

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