Stephen Colbert absolutely roasts Trump’s comments about climate change report


Trump doesn’t believe a damning climate change study produced by his own government, something that truly perplexed The Late Show host Stephen Colbert.

Aside from telling reporters he’d read “some” of the report, which warns that climate change will not only impact global health, but will cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars annually, Trump referred to it as “fine.”

“Fine?” Colbert said. “If I had to describe this report in one word it would not be ‘fine.’ It would be a different word that begins with F.”

“As in if you don’t believe in climate change at this point you are fined in the head.” Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Climate Change, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, and The Late Show

View More Stephen Colbert absolutely roasts Trump’s comments about climate change report

Jon Stewart interviewing Stephen Colbert is just as much fun as you’re hoping


If there’s one thing Jon Stewart’s appearance on the The Late Show proves, it’s that you can’t beat a good reunion.

On Tuesday night, Stewart took Stephen Colbert’s place behind the desk and introduced his first guest — none other than Colbert himself — for a hard-hitting interview.

The interview above begins with a question from Stewart about which of Stephen Colbert’s children Colbert loves most, and ends with the two discussing, in detail, “the turd-mining business”.

It didn’t stop there, either. Here’s Colbert talking about how he learned to do his show without the mask of a character: Read more…

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George RR Martin hints there may be some Westeros ‘erotica’ in his new book


If you were wondering what exactly is contained within George RR Martin’s new 736-page epic Westeros history Fire and Blood, we now have a few more clues.

We already knew there were going to be dragons, and potentially some hints for Game of Thrones fans — but now we know one more thing Martin has managed to sneak in all those pages: a bit of erotica. 

Yep: during an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the author confirmed as much.

“We do have, in Fire and Blood — you know it’s written by an Archmaester going back to primary sources — and there’s one particular incident where he has to, somewhat reluctantly, consult a book called ‘A Caution for Young Girls’ — which is basically erotica from Westeros,” explains Martin. Read more…

More about Game Of Thrones, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, George Rr Martin, and Fire And Blood

View More George RR Martin hints there may be some Westeros ‘erotica’ in his new book

Topics to avoid during Thanksgiving dinner, courtesy of Stephen Colbert

If you’re hoping for a harmonious Thanksgiving dinner in the current political climate, it might be an idea to avoid certain topics, according to Stephen Colbert.
“Another beloved Thanksgiving tradition is stronger than ever: arguing at the dinne…

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Stephen Colbert rips into Trump’s lacklustre action on Saudi Arabia

Stephen Colbert has slammed Trump’s “pardons,” and they’re not all the Thanksgiving kind.
After lightly roasting the president’s antics during the annual turkey pardon, The Late Show host turned his attention to the bigger “pardon” on everyone’s …

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Millie Bobby Brown paints Stephen Colbert’s nails, asks him which Spice Girl he is


Sometimes, in an interview, it’s the tough questions you want. Sometimes it’s a bit of relaxed chit-chat. And other times you just want to paint the host’s nails and talk about the upcoming Spice Girls reunion.

In the nine-minute clip above, Stephen Colbert chats to Millie Bobby Brown about a whole range of topics — everything from Stranger Things Season 3 to her work with Unicef.

The interview finishes how very good interview should — a manicure accompanied by some important discussion of which Spice Girl Colbert thinks he’s most like (spoiler alert: it’s Ginger). Read more…

More about Uk, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Millie Bobby Brown, and Culture

View More Millie Bobby Brown paints Stephen Colbert’s nails, asks him which Spice Girl he is

Stephen Colbert can only say ‘little Adam Schitt’ if Trump’s tweet appears on screen

TV has some weird rules about swearing, even for The Late Show host Stephen Colbert.
After skewering Donald Trump’s Fox News interview, in which the president blasted the man who oversaw the hunt for Osama Bin Laden as a “Hillary Clinton fan,” Co…

View More Stephen Colbert can only say ‘little Adam Schitt’ if Trump’s tweet appears on screen

‘Adventure Time’ is over, but now there’s Trump’s ‘Policy Time’

While the much-loved Adventure Time might be long gone, Stephen Colbert has a worthy alternative: Policy Time.
The Late Show’s spoof comes following reports that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has instituted “policy time” in a bid to get T…

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Stephen Colbert slams Donald Trump’s tweet blaming wildfires on ‘poor’ forest management


The deadliest wildfire in California history has ravaged the town of Paradise, claiming the lives of at least 42 people. 

Stephen Colbert talked about the President’s response to these wildfires — and the contrast to that of most . “I’m gonna start out tonight by saying to the people of California, our thoughts are with you because the golden state is being ravaged by three deadly wildfires in Malibu and northern California,” said Colbert. “There’s been a tragic loss of life and an unprecedented loss of property.” 

“At a time like this, it’s hard to know the right thing to say. But for the wrong thing to say, let’s check the president’s Twitter feed,” he added. Read more…

More about California, Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert, California Wildfires, and Culture

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Hugh Jackman pays an emotional tribute to Stan Lee


On Monday night, the news broke that Stan Lee, a Marvel Comics legend, had passed away at the age of 95.

Later on that evening, Wolverine star Hugh Jackman appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and paid a tribute to the man who helped create X-Men.

“Let me just say to the family and to the legions of fans, that I remember Stan as a true gentleman who had this glint in his eye,” says Jackman. “He’s a creative genius, he thought outside the box — he created a whole universe that changed the lives of many people, mine included.”

Jackman goes on to remember an anecdote from Comic Con, where he was on the red carpet as Wolverine — and nobody was taking his photo, because Stan Lee was at the other end. Read more…

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Stephen Colbert says Sarah Huckabee Sanders sharing doctored video is ‘grounds for dismissal’

Late show hosts Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel have both referred to Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ decision to share a doctored video as a fireable offence.
Colbert tore into the White House press secretary on The Late Show Thursday for tweeting the …

View More Stephen Colbert says Sarah Huckabee Sanders sharing doctored video is ‘grounds for dismissal’

Hasan Minhaj uses a ‘Harry Potter’ reference to explain why he won’t say the name Trump

On Hasan Minhaj’s Netflix comedy show Patriot Act, President Trump goes by the names “DJ T 45,” or, jokingly, “Mr. Two-Terms.”  
Minhaj explained to Stephen Colbert on The Late Show why he made the decision to not to say the president’s name…

View More Hasan Minhaj uses a ‘Harry Potter’ reference to explain why he won’t say the name Trump