Trump’s planned AI initiative includes education, but lacks key details

This weekend, the Trump administration shed more light on the “American A.I. Initiative,” a plan the President is set to sign today, in hopes of helping keep the U.S. at the forefront of innovation. The executive order highlights, in its own words, “bold, decisive actions” for maintaining American’s role in developing the artificial intelligence set […]

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Saudi Arabia denies involvement in leak of Jeff Bezos’ private messages

In his extraordinary Medium post last week accusing American Media Inc of “extortion and blackmail,” Bezos hinted (but did not explicitly state) that there may be a connection between Saudi Arabia and the publication of his personal messages with Lauren Sanchez. Now Saudi Arabia’s minister of foreign affairs has denied it was involved, stating during […]

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Stephen Colbert slams Trump’s new favorite term ‘presidential harassment’


Donald Trump has ramped up his use of a new, favorite term and Stephen Colbert wasted no time calling bullshit.

The Late Show host noted Trump’s use of the catchphrase “presidential harassment” to describe investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“Presidential harassment: It’s like sexual harassment, only the Republicans take it seriously,” Colbert said around the five-minute mark of Thursday’s monologue.

Colbert also noted Trump’s recent tweet reiterating the term, in which the president wrote, “The Republicans never did this to President Obama.”

“Have you been huffing the Aqua Net?” said Colbert. “We were all alive then, none of us were in a coma. All they did was investigate him — the IRS, the ATF, the ACA, Solyndra, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. They didn’t subpoena his taxes, can you guess why? Hint: He released them.Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

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Stephen Colbert skewers Trump’s use of rhyming in his State of the Union address


It’s been 24 hours, so we’ve all had a little time to reflect on Donald Trump’s State of the Union address — including Stephen Colbert.

The Late Show host destroyed Trump’s speech one clip at a time immediately afterward on Tuesday, but on Wednesday night, he looped back to pick up one particular feature of Trump’s speech: rhyming.

“If there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation,” Trump had said, referring to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

“That’s kinda cute. He threatened our democracy with a little poem,” Colbert said, before composing his own limerick: Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, Sotu, and State Of The Union

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New Mexico’s governor literally runs through walls in response to Trump’s border wall


For all of the various responses to Tuesday night’s State of the Union address by President Trump — including responses from Stacey Abrams, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Sen. Kamala Harris  — perhaps the greatest was delivered by New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

Immediately after Trump’s speech concluded on Tuesday night, Grisham tweeted the following  video, which showed her taking Trump to task over his immigration stance and love of border walls by literally running through walls.

Amazing. And big props to Gov. Grisham for doing her own stunts.

The video appears to be a campaign commercial from her recent 2018 gubernatorial election. But Gov. Grisham did more on Tuesday to make her point than just pull a Kool-Aid man in a Twitter video.  Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Immigration, Border Wall, State Of The Union 2019, and Michelle Lujan Grisham

View More New Mexico’s governor literally runs through walls in response to Trump’s border wall

Stephen Colbert destroys Trump’s State of the Union 1 clip at a time


If for some terrible reason you happened to miss Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, fear not — Stephen Colbert has you covered.

In the 15-minute clip from The Late Show above, Colbert breaks down the, er, highlights from the speech.

If you can’t even face the recap, though, the TL;DW version is pretty much summed up by this quote: “This speech was like watching paint lie.” Read more…

More about Donald Trump, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Culture, Talk Show, and Politics

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Nancy Pelosi literally ‘claps back’ at Trump’s State of the Union


This may have been Trump’s big night, but let’s not forget the State of the Union was delivered in Nancy’s House. 

President Donald Trump finally gave his 2019 State of the Union address on Tuesday evening, after his initial speech was delayed during the government shut down. And while Trump had the mic, all eyes were on Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was seated behind him and delivered a few key reactions to his rhetoric.

The standout moment, however, came when Pelosi appeared to literally “clap back” at Trump from behind the podium — and it’s made for an incredibly powerful image.

Her applause followed a moment where Trump gave lip service to unifying the country:  Read more…

More about Politics, Memes, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and Culture

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Watch the 2019 State of the Union address here (or not)

It’s that time again — time to hear what kind of state our precious union is in. For those of you inclined to watch the temporarily delayed speech by the President, you can of course watch it in a bar and invent your own drinking game, but you can also stay home and watch it on YouTube or C-SPAN. The drinks are cheaper — and stronger.

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First Lady picks a student bullied for having the name ‘Trump’ to be her guest at State of the Union


When President Trump delivers his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, First Lady Melania Trump will be flanked by more than a dozen invited guests in the balcony — and one of them is raising eyebrows.

Most of the 13 guests scheduled to sit with FLOTUS are expected choices: a young girl who has survived cancer, the father of a fallen military member, a first responder, and a synagogue member who survived the Tree of Life mass shooting in Pittsburgh. 

But one young man, meant to represent FLOTUS’ “Be Best” anti-bullying campaign, stands out for one very specific reason. 

New: One of @FLOTUS’ guests at the State of the Union tomorrow is a 6th grader named Joshua Trump, who “has been bullied in school due to his last name”

— Monica Alba (@albamonica) February 5, 2019 Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Bullying, Melania Trump, State Of The Union 2019, and Culture

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Stephen Colbert reveals the truth behind these Donald Trump ‘deepfakes’


The era of “deepakes” has been a scary one a we live with the fear of how more nefarious people might manipulate videos in the future to create legitimate “fake news.” 

Thankfully, the folks at The Late Show with Stephen Colbert have found a way in to the subject that actually makes us laugh: by turning the concept on its head via President Donald Trump.

While the gag is pretty one note — Trump’s speeches are actually deepfakes of children throwing tantrums or of Vladimir Putin speaking — it’s a smart way in to a standard Trump joke that makes it feel fresh and relevant again.

So until a deep fake that actually fools us all into real consequences comes along, at least we have this to make us laugh and keep from crying.  Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert, Deepfakes, Culture, and Artificial Intelligence

View More Stephen Colbert reveals the truth behind these Donald Trump ‘deepfakes’