‘The Late Show’ has its own version of the secret Trump-Cohen tape


So, we’ve heard the audio of the secret recording between Donald Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen, but now there’s video?

Well, at least a video made by Stephen Colbert and The Late Show team.

The late night show has crafted their own comedic video accompaniment to the real 2016 recording aired by CNN on Tuesday. 

In the audio clip, Trump and Cohen discuss a payment for Playboy model Karen McDougal’s story, in which she claimed she had an affair with Trump in 2006. 

In 2016, the Wall Street Journal revealed that American Media — which owns the pro-Trump National Enquirer — bought the rights to the model’s story for $150,000, but didn’t publish it. Read more…

More about Stephen Colbert, Trump, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, and Michael Cohen

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John Cleese very bluntly confirms that people in Britain don’t like Trump

When it comes to sharing his feelings on Donald Trump, John Cleese really doesn’t beat around the bush.
On Monday night the British comedy legend appeared on The Late Show and spoke about the US President with Stephen Colbert.
SEE ALSO: John Clee…

View More John Cleese very bluntly confirms that people in Britain don’t like Trump

Stephen Colbert stages a ‘presidential intervention’ for Trump


Stephen Colbert has held a “presidential intervention” after the week’s hootenanny of events featuring Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin.

After brutally roasting Trump’s ‘double negative’ defense on Wednesday after that press conference, Colbert spent Thursday’s opening monologue on Trump’s invitation to Putin to visit the White House in the fall for another summit.

Fed up, the Late Show host staged a little intervention for the president, beginning with Trump’s questioning of the United States’ commitment to defending all NATO allies. Read more…

More about Stephen Colbert, Trump, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Culture, and Movies Tv Shows

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Trump-Putin press conference gets a roasting from late show hosts


President Donald Trump’s rather disturbing joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin was always going to be skewered by late-night hosts.

And they did not disappoint.

Following the presidents’ double address in Helsinki on Monday, The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah didn’t hold back. Before the show, the team pointed out what Russia and America both got out of the summit:

What Russia got:
– total capitulation from Trump
– exoneration for past meddling
– permission to meddle in future

What America got: pic.twitter.com/n4BTIvRzf0

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) July 16, 2018 Read more…

More about Stephen Colbert, Trump, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Putin, and The Daily Show

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Stephen Colbert played a little bingo game for Trump’s Supreme Court pick


Stephen Colbert played a little game or two watching Trump’s nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court.

During Tuesday night’s monologue on The Late Show, Colbert revealed his winning “Trump nomination bingo” card, after the president named Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy.

Pulling the card from of his pocket, Colbert said, “You see, all the squares say ‘white guy’.”

After calling Kavanaugh a “cover model for Generic Dads Monthly,” Colbert said he also played a drinking game during the nomination event. 

“I had a little drinking game, I would pour myself a drink every time my glass was empty.”  Read more…

More about Stephen Colbert, Trump, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Scotus, and Brett Kavanaugh

View More Stephen Colbert played a little bingo game for Trump’s Supreme Court pick

Jon Stewart to Trump on immigration crisis: ‘Boy, you f***ed that up.’


Jon Stewart has just delivered a walloping serve to Donald Trump.

The former Daily Show host temporarily took over for Stephen Colbert on The Late Show on Thursday night, geared up to deliver one hell of a monologue.

It’s been one heck of a back-and-forth between late night hosts and Trump, with the president going after Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, and Jimmy Kimmel — oh, they responded.

So, on Thursday, it was Stewart’s turn. Aimed straight at the president, he began the piece by saying, “Hello, Donald. It’s me, the guy you made sure everyone knew was Jewish on Twitter,” referring to a particularly anti-Semitic interaction he had with Trump years ago. Read more…

More about Donald Trump, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Entertainment, and Politics

View More Jon Stewart to Trump on immigration crisis: ‘Boy, you f***ed that up.’

Stephen Colbert rips into defenders of Trump’s child separation policy

The Trump administration’s forcible separation of children from their families at the border has seen its share of defenders in recent days, especially people who think these detention centres aren’t that bad.
In his opening monologue on The Late…

View More Stephen Colbert rips into defenders of Trump’s child separation policy

Natalie Portman replies to Mark Hamill’s tweet about her, totally wants to meet him

Natalie Portman may play Mark Hamill’s mom in Star Wars, but they have never actually met IRL. Mark Hamill tweeted about it just the other week, in fact. And now Portman wants to set things right.
“Mark, I’d love to meet ya,” she said on The Late…

View More Natalie Portman replies to Mark Hamill’s tweet about her, totally wants to meet him

Anne Hathaway rewatched her first ever commercial and it’s so bad it’s good


This might even rival Aaron Paul’s incredibly 2000s Juicy Fruit commercial.

Oscar-winner Anne Hathaway was on The Late Show on Thursday evening. Host Stephen Colbert ran through her various acting achievements — Devil Wears Prada, Les Miserables and the upcoming Ocean’s 8. 

But more importantly, the pair watched back Hathaway’s first ever commercial which she filmed as a teenager, and it is corny as a vegan barbecue. 

In it, Hathaway is bidding goodbye to her boyfriend, whose family are moving house. He assures her they’ll have the summer together, as it takes ages to sell a house. Then a placard for “Better Homes and Gardens” is plonked outside the house, and Hathaway gives her beau a hug while crying “goodbye, I’ll miss you!” Read more…

More about The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Commercial, Anne Hathaway, Oceans 8, and Culture

View More Anne Hathaway rewatched her first ever commercial and it’s so bad it’s good

Stephen King got blocked by Donald Trump on Twitter, so he blocked him back


Despite being the master of horror, Stephen King can’t stomach Donald Trump.

King was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and talked about his cyber-interactions with the president. According to King, Trump blocked him on Twitter — although on Wednesday a judge ruled the president is not allowed to block people who disagree with him on the platform.

Apparently Trump blocked King “about eight or nine months ago.” When asked about what caused the president to block him, King said “I might have said he had his head somewhere where… a certain yoga position would be necessary to get it there.” Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Stephen King, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Culture, and Web Culture

View More Stephen King got blocked by Donald Trump on Twitter, so he blocked him back

Dana Carvey impersonates the new National Security Advisor with the help of an enormous mustache

On Wednesday night’s Late Show, Colbert was joined by his former boss, and SNL legend, quirky comedian Dana Carvey.
Playing up the zany political impersonations he is known for, Carvey appeared as new National Security Advisor, John Bolton.

View More Dana Carvey impersonates the new National Security Advisor with the help of an enormous mustache