Stephen Colbert’s pretty certain that the ‘Pee Pee Tape’ is out there


Stephen Colbert’s not giving up — he’s confident that President Donald Trump’s alleged “Pee Pee Tape” is out there somewhere.

After news broke that FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team spoke with former FBI Director James Comey last year, Colbert said Tuesday night that he’s convinced a seemingly innocuous tweet about “justice,” “waters,” and “a flowing stream” from Comey is actually a hint that a pee tape exists.

“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24

— James Comey (@Comey) December 1, 2017

Colbert’s long been on the hunt for the alleged tape. But after Comey’s tweet, he’s more confident than ever. Read more…

More about Donald Trump, Colbert, Stephen Colbert, Trump, and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

View More Stephen Colbert’s pretty certain that the ‘Pee Pee Tape’ is out there

Stephen Colbert questions James Franco over sexual misconduct accusations

James Franco was pressed for answers by Stephen Colbert on The Late Show on Tuesday, following accusations of sexual misconduct since his Golden Globe win.
The Disaster Artist star was interviewed by the talk show host, broadcast mere hours after The…

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Stephen Colbert’s 4-word summary of ‘Fire and Fury’ saves you from reading the nightmare yourself


You don’t actually need four words to describe the Trump administration — four letters will do.

In his opening monologue Monday night, Stephen Colbert conveyed the gist of the the new tell-all Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, which he described as “packed with nuggets of ‘oh my God'”.

Caustic as ever, Colbert summarised the book thusly: “Trump dumb, staff worried.” Pretty revealing, we know. Read more…

More about Stephen Colbert, Trump, Fire And Fury Inside The Trump White House, Culture, and Celebrities

View More Stephen Colbert’s 4-word summary of ‘Fire and Fury’ saves you from reading the nightmare yourself

‘Fire and Fury’ author Michael Wolff tells Colbert he was surprised at the book’s success

SPOILER ALERT the Trump White House is kind of horrifying.
SEE ALSO: We regret to inform you that Trump does not watch ‘The Gorilla Channel’
Michael Wolff, author of the inflammatory tell-all book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House (you …

View More ‘Fire and Fury’ author Michael Wolff tells Colbert he was surprised at the book’s success

Stephen Colbert’s rant about the new Trump tell-all book is as hilarious as you’d think

The publication of some juicy excerpts from Michael Wolff’s tell-all book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House about the administration of President Donald Trump is such a gift to Stephen Colbert.
SEE ALSO: Trump calls Steve Bannon ‘Sloppy…

View More Stephen Colbert’s rant about the new Trump tell-all book is as hilarious as you’d think

Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah launch their campaigns for the ‘Dishonest Media Awards’

Who needs an Emmy when you can have a meaningless award issued by our slightly unhinged, wannabe authoritarian president?
Both Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah would proudly take the latterThe Daily Show and Late Night with Stephen Colbert launched th…

View More Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah launch their campaigns for the ‘Dishonest Media Awards’

Stephen Colbert totally rips apart that creepy new Donald Trump robot

If you were unfortunate enough to set eyes on Disney’s new Donald Trump robot on Tuesday, the nightmarish image is almost certainly still lodged in your head.
SEE ALSO: Someone shaved Donald Trump into the back of their head and it’s frightening …

View More Stephen Colbert totally rips apart that creepy new Donald Trump robot

Adam Driver and Stephen Colbert gleefully re-enact ‘Star Wars’ with tiny action figures

Adam Driver may be wearing a fully black outfit, but the soles of his shoes are spectacularly red and shiny.
Also he’s very good at improvising Star Wars scenes using tiny toy dolls.
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View More Adam Driver and Stephen Colbert gleefully re-enact ‘Star Wars’ with tiny action figures

Tom Hanks and Stephen Colbert have a heated discussion over Christmas tree decorations

On The Late Show last night, Tom Hanks and Stephen Colbert had a heated discussion over how they like to decorate their Christmas trees.
And it got intense.
When Tom Hanks asks if Colbert has flashing lights on the tree Colbert retorts, “That’s i…

View More Tom Hanks and Stephen Colbert have a heated discussion over Christmas tree decorations

Mark Hamill and Stephen Colbert bless us with Luke Skywalker’s ‘lost’ Cantina scene


Ever wondered what Luke Skywalker was up to between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens? Well, Mark Hamill and noted Star Wars superfan Stephen Colbert have the answer: He was trying to get into a bar.

A really delightful sketch from Friday’s Late Show features Hamill as a middle-aged Luke and Colbert as a condescending Cantina maître d’. Unfortunately, Luke’s galaxy-saving reputation has not preceded him to the bar, and he can’t convince Colbert to let him in. 

Dad jokes — including several about the franchise’s absolutely bonkers names for characters — ensue. And the whole thing culminates in Colbert singing the Cantina band song, which is just lovely. Powers that be, please cast him in a future movie. Read more…

More about Stephen Colbert, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Mark Hamill, The Last Jedi, and Culture

View More Mark Hamill and Stephen Colbert bless us with Luke Skywalker’s ‘lost’ Cantina scene

Stephen Colbert slams Al Franken for latest sexual misconduct allegation


Stephen Colbert slammed Al Franken again on Wednesday night after the Minnesota senator denied charges of sexual misconduct. 

“It seems like every day a new man is being accused of sexual misconduct. But not today. Today it’s the same man,” said Colbert in his opening monologue on The Late Show.

Franken has been accused by a former Democratic congressional aide of trying to forcibly kiss her in 2006, after a taping of his radio show. According to POLITICO, the aide says Franken “pursued her after her boss had left the studio … The former staffer said she ducked to avoid Franken’s lips. As she hastily left the room, she said, Franken told her: ‘It’s my right as an entertainer.'” Read more…

More about Sexual Harassment, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, and Al Franken

View More Stephen Colbert slams Al Franken for latest sexual misconduct allegation